Worship Services: Sundays at 9 & 11:30 AM
• Come as you are, no need to dress up
• Bring your Bible if you have one
• Songs of praise, worship and thanksgiving
• Prayer
• Offering gifts to God
• Message
• Nursery
Our series, LIVE A LIFE WORTHY OF YOUR CALLING, is a study of Ephesians, with a special emphasis on Ephesians 4:1.
Today we start our church year with a series of messages on Ephesians called LIVING A LIFE WORTHY OF YOUR CALLING.
We continue our series of messages on Ephesians called LIVING A LIFE WORTHY OF YOUR CALLING. Today's message focuses on Ephesians 1.
This morning Pastor Jessica will be leading us in worship as part of the process for her ordination. Next week, we will continue our study of Ephesians: LIVING A LIFE WORTHY OF OUR CALLING.
Scripture Isaiah 6:1-7
Message God’s Holy Love
This morning we celebrate Pastor Dave's 35th anniversary of ministry and ordination. Next week, we will continue our study of Ephesians: LIVING A LIFE WORTHY OF OUR CALLING.
This morning we conclude our study of Ephesians: LIVING A LIFE WORTHY OF OUR CALLING.
This morning we celebrate with the installation service of Pastor Jessica Maddox. May God be praised!
The second Sunday of Advent, a time to prepare to celebrate of coming of Jesus.
During this service we welcomed families and volunteers from VBS 2021, Lava, Lava, Luau to share about their week and help with our times of praise. We also installed new Council members.
Message: Be Courageous
Scripture: Joshua 1
We apologize, but due to technical difficulties, this service is not available
We held Communion during this service.
Scripture Psalm 27
Intern Pastor Jessica Maddox brings a message from Psalm 34 which is a celebration of God's goodness. It reminds us that God is a delivering, rescuing God. And it reminds us that trading our fears for 'the fear of the Lord' is the best way to live while we wait for God’s promised once-and-for-all deliverance.
Scripture Psalm 34
Pastor Ezra leads our worship with the story about “a sinful woman” who lavished expensive perfume on Jesus as a way of thanking Jesus.
Scripture Luke 7:36-50
During the month of August, we'll be looking at four verses that could possibly be placed on the north wall of our sanctuary. They were suggested by members and voted on by the Council as the ones for us to consider. Today, we look at Psalm 136:1.
Scripture Psalm 136
During the month of August, we are looking at verses that could possibly be placed on the north wall of our sanctuary. They were suggested by members and voted on by the Council as the ones for us to consider. Today we look at the familiar Micah 6:8 (two weeks ago we looked at Psalm 136:1).
Today we are looking at the third possible verse to put on our south sanctuary wall: Romans 12:12. The other two verses have been: Psalm 136:1 and Micah 6:8. After we have looked at the four possible verses, there will an opportunity for everyone to vote on which verse they think is most meaningful for our sanctuary wall.
Today, we're looking at the fourth possible verse to put on our south sanctuary wall: Philippians 4:13. Next week, everyone will have a chance to vote on which verse they think will be most meaningful for our sanctuary wall.
You are the light of the world. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
This morning we start a new series of messages called: COMMUNITY CHURCH: A LIGHTHOUSE – WHERE WE CAN LET OUR LIGHT SHINE.
Scripture Matthew 5:14-16
Scripture John 8:12
We are continuing our series: COMMUNITY CHURCH: A LIGHTHOUSE WHERE WE CAN LET OUR LIGHT SHINE. Today, we focus on the importance of prayer and praying for those who need to know Jesus as their Savior.
Scripture Ephesians 3:14-22
We are continuing our series: COMMUNITY CHURCH: A LIGHTHOUSE WHERE WE CAN LET OUR LIGHT SHINE. Today, we focus on the on the importance of sharing our stories with those who need to know Jesus as their Savior.
Scripture 1 Peter 3:8-2
We are continuing our series: COMMUNITY CHURCH: A LIGHTHOUSE WHERE WE CAN LET OUR LIGHT SHINE. Today, we focus on the on the importance of Service, as Jesus Served.
Scripture Colossians 3:12-17
Coming Soon
Celebrating Community Church’s 37thAnniversary of being an organized church.
Celebrating our Past; Celebrating our Present; Celebrating our Future.
Scripture Acts 2:14-21; 37-47
Seminarian Grant Mensonides leads us in worship today, looking at how Christ invites us to experience his love in a new way by encouraging us to encounter our heavenly Father.
Scripture Matthew 17:1-13
Seminarian Jonathan Sturrus leads our worship service with a message reminding us that when we are wronged, we are called to be firmly rooted in the hope of Jesus so that we may not retaliate in a non-Christ like way, thus glorifying God so those who hurt us may see our good deeds and join us in also glorifying God.
Scripture 1 Peter 2:11-17
During this service, we install Pastor Jessica Maddox for her four-month internship here at Community Church. We are blessed to have her helping us in ministry here and hope that she will continue to be part of our ministry after her internship is completed.
Our message today reminds us that we are called by God to pray for others.
Scripture 1 Samuel 12
This morning seminary intern Jessica Maddox leads our time of worship with a message from John which reminds us that Jesus is our Good Shepherd and We are His Sheep.
Scripture John 10:1-18
A series of messages for Lent leading up to Good Friday entitled THE POWER OF THE CROSS! How many of us understand the significance of the cross without experiencing its power? Pastor Dave will help us focus on that in this series.
Scripture 1 Corinthians 18-31
Message The Power of the Cross: Intro
We continue our series of messages for Lent entitled the POWER OF THE CROSS as we look at experiencing the blessing of justification.
Scripture Reading Romans
Message The Power of the Cross: The Power of Justification
We continue our series of messages for Lent entitled the POWER OF THE CROSS as we look at experiencing the blessing of sanctification.
Scripture: Romans 6:1
We continue our series of messages for Lent entitled the POWER OF THE CROSS as we look at experiencing Victory Over Satan.
Scripture: Colossians 2:6-15
We continue our series of messages for Lent entitled the POWER OF THE CROSS as we look at CREATIVE SUFFERING.
Scripture Philippians 3:7-11
A special thank you to guest, Kristen Struyk, who shares her testimony about how God has helped her through her suffering.
Good Friday Evening! We continue our series The Power of the Cross as we look at Experiencing Love AS the Power of the Cross.
Scripture John 15:9-17
The Power of the Resurrection
Scripture Luke 24; Philippians 3:10,11
Blessings to you on this Easter Sunday. This service concludes our series The Power of the Cross as we hear a powerful, encouraging message celebrating The Power of the Resurrection – that is Jesus is Alive!
Scripture Psalm 31:1-10
Message Finding Joy in the Hard Places
Our seminarian, Pastor Grant Mensonides, leads our time of worship with a message about God’s offer of refuge and hope, through Christ, so that we might find joy.
Seminarian Jonathan Sturrus shares a message which compares a life built for Jesus vs. a life built for money/oneself. Having comfort can be nice but it can lead to an individualistic and shallow life when a life built for Jesus is not the priority; the path of comfort first fools us and leads us into despair.
Scripture Luke 12:13-21
Message A Life Built for Jesus
We begin the new Year with a series of messages entitled: ONE THING 2021.
Psalm 27:4 One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
The first message in our series, One Thing 2021. Scripture: Psalm 27:4 We are also installing Eva Prine as an elder during this service.
Pastor Dave leads our time of worship with a message looking at One Thing looking at the story of Mary and Martha as told by Luke.
Pastor Dave leads our time of worship with a message looking at One Thing looking at Mark 10:17-31 and the story of the Rich Young Ruler.
Pastor Dave leads our time of worship with a message looking at One Thing 2021 as we look at John 9 and the story of Jesus healing the blind man.
Pastor Dave leads our time of worship with a message looking at One Thing 2021 as we look at Philippians 3:7-14
This message concludes our series, ONE THING 2021as we go back to Psalm 27. We celebrate the sacrament of Communion during this service.
On this last Sunday of the calendar year, we take the time to reflect on the lessons God has taught us in 2021; The Wondrous Cross, Growing in the Holy Spirit, Standing Firm, and the New Testament in 7 Words.
Our theme for this Advent season is ADVENT, CHRISTMAS AND REVELATION which helps us focus not only on Jesus Christ's coming as a baby but also looking forward to His second coming! We will be using passages from the book of Revelation to help us with our study.
This message looks at Christ's second coming, taking a closer look at Revelation 1:12-16.
This message looks at Christ's second coming, taking a closer look at Revelation 5.
This message looks at The Revelation Christmas Story from Revelation 12:1-9, The Spiritual Battle and where we find Strength for the Battle.
This message takes a closer look at Revelation 19:11-16: Seeing Jesus, Victory Over Evil, and the Blessing of the Sword.
This message takes a closer look at Revelation 22:12-17 as we celebrate Christ’s first coming, celebrate Christ’s presence with us and anticipate Christ’s second coming.
Seminarian Grant Mensonides leads our worship time with a message from John 13, titled Frustrating Love, which focuses on Christ’s lessons to His disciples as He washes their feet and what that means to us today.
Seminarian Jonathan Sturrus leads our worship time with a message from 1 Samuel 14:24-48 titled The Sweet Life which will challenge us to put our trust in God so we may experience a more joy-filled personal life, and a better church.
Pastor Dave helps us focus on having a thankful heart and attitude for the blessings that God has given us.
The New Testament in 7 Words is a series that is meant to help us see the overarching themes of God's Word and how they apply to our lives.
The focus of this message is FULFILLMENT.
Also, we comission seminarian Grant Mensonides and welcome back seminarian Jonathan Sturrus.
The focus of this message is KINGDOM.
Also, we install new Council members.
The focus of this message is the CROSS.
The focus of this message is GRACE.
When watching this service, please be patient as there is an issue with sound the first 18 minutes of the video.
The focus of this message is COVENANT.
We apologize that the video was not working properly in this recording, however sound is available. Please note that there may be no sound during certain songs or videos used within the service.
The focus of this message is SPIRIT.
We apologize that the audio was not working properly in this recording causing the sound to go in and out throughout the service.
The focus of this message is COMPLETION.
This message concludes our series of messages of The New Testament in 7 Words and is a review of what we learned.
Confession: The Door to Spiritual Growth. This series challenges us to take the time to examine ourselves and to confess our sins in an effort to see how great God’s grace and forgiveness is to us.
With a focus on Luke 7:36-50, Pastor Dave introduces the series and challenges the congregation to stretch themselves.
Listening to the Spirit
Scripture: Psalm 139
August 16, 2020
Corporate Confession
Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22
August 23, 2020
Pastor Ezra Lee presents a message offering insight into the Salt and Light of the World.
Beginning of Church Year
Labor Day Weekend
Prayer Service
from 9/6/2020
Because of Jesus, we are able to Stand Firm in all circumstances.
This sermon series will share how we can Stand Firm encourage us to do so each day.
An introduction to our series, Standing Firm. This message looks at three general guidelines of how we are able to Stand Firm in all circumstances.
We continue our series, Standing Firm. This message looks at how we may Stand Firm on God's Word.
We continue our series, Standing Firm. This message looks at how we may Stand Firm in Grace.
We continue our series, Standing Firm. This message looks at how we may Stand Firm against Spiritual Attacks.
We continue our series, Standing Firm. This message looks at how we may Stand Firm when Facing Death.
Sorry, no recording due to technical difficulty.
We continue our series, Standing Firm. This message looks at how we may Stand Firm TOGETHER.
Helping us identify, accept, follow and grow in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
This series coincided with our book club reading Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit by Brad Long, Paul Stokes, and Cindy Strickler.
Intro: Helping us identify, accept, follow and grow in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Foundation to help us identify, accept, follow and grow in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Steps in the dance of divine-human cooperation as we learn to identify, accept, follow and grow in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Divine love and prayer as we identify, accept, follow and grow in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Divine guidance and spiritual discernment as we identify, accept, follow and grow in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit and kairos moments as we identify, accept, follow and grow in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Obstacles and synergy as we identify, accept, follow and grow in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Series Conclusion
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